From: Jason Neyers <>
Date: 28/10/2011 10:54:33 UTC
Subject: ODG: Torts Law Journal

I post on behalf of Joachim Dietrich: 

Dear Colleagues,


The September issue of volume 19 of the Torts Law Journal has been published; contents are listed below.


Happy reading


Joachim Dietrich


Editor TLJ



Of advocates, drunks and other players: Plain tales from

Australia — The Hon Michael Kirby AC CMG 


A statutory cause of action for privacy? A critical appraisal

of three recent Australian law reform proposals — Dr Normann Witzleb


Private Nuisance: An ill wind for wind energy projects? — Penelope Crossley


Book Review

Landmark Cases in the Law of Tort, Charles Mitchell and

Paul Mitchell (Eds) &

The Goals of Private Law, Andrew Robertson and Tang

Hang Wu (Eds) — Professor Prue Vines  

Jason Neyers
Associate Professor of Law
Faculty of Law
University of Western Ontario
N6A 3K7
(519) 661-2111 x. 88435